
Showing posts from August, 2022

Teachers day Celebratoin and Community sharing

WEEKLY REFLECTION 7 th WEEK (16/08/2022-20/08/2022)

Cognitive map

Cognitive map 2 (Buddhism in India)

Cognitive map 1 (Fundamental Rights of Indian Constitution)

Independence day

WEEKLY REFLECTION 6th WEEK (8/08/2022-12/08/2022)

EDU 15. 10 Advanced studies : Curriculam and pedagogic course in social science education

EDU - 14 Advanced Studies : Perspectives in education

आज़ादी का अमृत महोत्सव

ICT LESSON TEMPLATE 5 പ്രാചീന തമിഴകത്തിലെ സാമൂഹികജീവിതം

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Day Remembrance

ICT LESSON TEMPLATE 4 ചൈനീസ് സംസ്കാരം

Weekly Reflection 5th Week (1/08/2022 to 5/08/2022)

Digital Text Book