EDU 15. 10 Advanced studies : Curriculam and pedagogic course in social science education
1. Which among the following is not an aim of Social Science education?
A.Harmonious development
B. Promote democratic values
C. Develop skills and abilities
D. Promote Regionalism
Ans :Promote Regionalism
2.The concept attainment model is developed by
A. John Dewey,
B. J. S. Bruner,
C. David P Ausubel,
D.Abraham maslow
Ans. J. S. Bruner,
3. Which among the following is a factor having least importance in Lesson Planning? A. Statement of objectives,
B. selection of Subject matter
C. Inclusion of whole unit area
D. selection of suitable method
Ans :Inclusion of whole unit area
4. A unit plan involves:
A.Content analysis of the unit
B. The objectives of the unit,
C.Period wise lesson script
D. Learning activities for the unit
Ans .Period wise lesson script
5. Which among the following models of teaching belongs to Social Interaction Family?
A.Inquiry Training Model
B.Advanced Organizer Model
C.Non-directive Teaching Model
D. Partnership Learning Model
Ans:Partnership Learning Model
6. A teacher likes to transact the topic on “Foreign Policy of India” through cooperative learning strategy. Which method is suitable for it?
A. Panel Discussion
B. Group Discussion
C. Guided discovery
D. Brain storming
Ans :Group Discussion
7. The intelligence which helps the learner in social science to draw diagrams and histograms while learning “Five Year Plans”
A. Kinesthetic
B. Spatial
C. Naturalistic
D. Intra personal
Ans : Kinesthetic
8. Constructivism gives importance to:
A. Extrinsic motivation
B. Intrinsic motivation.
C. Rewards
D. Punishments
Ans. Intrinsic motivation.
9. Which model of teaching considers mind as an information processing system?
A. Advance Organizer Model
B. Jurisprudential Inquiry Model
C. Group Investigation Model
D. Mastery Learning Model
Ans. Advance Organizer Model
10. The approach which focuses on intelligence, domains of objectives, levels of knowledge and reinforcement
A. Behaviourism
B. Cognitive constructivism
C. social Constructivism
D. Meta cognition
Ans:Cognitive constructivism
11. An endeavour to synthesize different subjects into integrated knowledge and to synthesize knowledge with actual life is
A. Communication
B. Brain storming
C. Correlation
D. Simulation
Ans. Correlation
12. The most higher order instructional objective under revised Blooms Taxonomy
A. Evaluating
B. Creating
C. Applying
D. Analyzing
Ans: Creating
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