EDU 9.10 Curriculum and resources in digital era : Social Science education)
1.The term curriculum is derived from which latin word?
a) Currure
b) Curricula
c) Culasis
d) Calicus
Ans : Currure
2.Who is called as the father of Curriculum and father of the "Theory of behaviour objectives” ?
a) Bruner
b) piaget
c) Ralfh W Taylor
d) Guilford
Ans : Ralfh W Taylor
3.Who is the chairman of NCF 2005 ?
a) K C Niyogi
b) Prof. Yashpal
c) K M Munshi
d) O S Pramodh
Ans : Prof. Yashpal
4. Kerala curriculum Framework (KCF) introduced in which year?
a) 2006
b) 2007
c) 2012
d) 2010
Ans : 2007
5. The term community means?
a) To leave
b) To serve together
c) Leaving hood
d) Social unit
Ans : To serve together
6. Hills Dams Lakes Rivers are included in which community resource?
a) place of economic interest
b) Government buildings
c) Place of geographical interest
d) Forms of social control
Ans : Place of geographical interest
7. The preliminary essential requirement of a social science laboratory is
a) Seating arrangement
b) Utilisation of room
c) Selection of proper site
d) Proper infrastructure
Ans : Selection of proper site
8. The systematic investigation and study of materials of resources are called?
a) Projects
b) Enquiry
c) Assignment
d) Research
Ans : Research
9. The priliminary phase of a research is
a) Initial survey of literature b) Testing hypothesis
c) Tentative selection of research problem
d) Formation of the problem
Ans : Tentative selection of a research problem
10. The term ‘Recherche' means?
a) To find
b) To lead
c) To go about seeking
d) Search
Ans : To go about seeking
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