Community living camp


Shibiram 2k22

The BEd curriculum offers a 5 day residential community living camp / citizenship training camp. Learning to live together co-operatively, participation in  programs for development of personal  and social  skills, to develop student teachers social-relational sensibilities and effective communication skills, practicing democratic living, Providing chances  for division of labour, community work, etc. are the major outcomes  expected of the program

    Even though, the COVID Pandemic made the Community living camp to cut short some of the  community living related aspects, KNM BE.d college of education organizes the five day camp. And we named our community living camp 'SHIBIRAM' 2020-22 from 28-02 -2022 to 04-03-2021 

     The essential qualities required for the teachers like  life skill training, positive thinking, effective Communication, mind power,  stress management through mindfulness etc are the highlight of the camp. Socially relevant topics such as Act Culture COVID etc will make the camp live. Inorder to stamp the hire beautiful days of our batch, campus beautification, planting of saplings,field visit ,Art  etc are also included. The need of the hour of a conscientizing people about wearing the masks properly, the proper disposal of disposable marks, etc and the distribution of reusable masks with in the  houses of the college premise are also included as part of the community   related aspects of the camp. The camp follows the COVID Protocol also.
